ABSTRACT: A brief account of some of the problems experienced during the 29 years of editing is given, as well as comments on how the Flora of Ethiopia and Eritrea is being used at present…
ABSTRACT: Prior to the initiation of the Ethiopian Flora Project (EFP), there were a number of attempts over the years to write the flora for a particular region/s or areas of Ethiopia and Eritrea. The modern Ethiopian Flora Project was initiated in 1980 as a bilateral agreement between the Ethiopian and Swedish governments through the then Ethiopian Science and Technology Commission (ESTC) (now the Ministry of Science and Technology) and the Swedish Agency for Research Cooperation with Developing Countries (SAREC) […]
Tags: Botany, Ethiopian Flora Project, Gulelle Botanical Garden, National Herbarium
ABSTRACT: Six sampling sites of Gilgel Abay River and its tributaries, were sampled by using monofilaments (5-55 mm) and gillnets having mesh sizes of 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14 cm stretched bar mesh with a length of 25 m and depth of 1.5 m, twice each month from August to October, and once in November, 2011. Fishes were identified to the species level…
Tags: Abay basin, Condition factor, Conservation, Fecundity, Lake Tana
ABSTRACT: Mona monkey (Cercopithecus mona) is the only non-human primate in the University of Lagos campus that has been in existence on the site before the establishment of the institution in 1962. Infrastructural developments seem to have confined the animal to small, relatively less disturbed forest areas…
Tags: Cercopithecus mona, Nigeria, Occurrence, Population
ABSTRACT: This paper presents results of avifaunal survey made in Abalo-Gunacho forest, southern Ethiopia, in May 2014 to determine the species richness and to examine guild composition of bird community of the forest. Birds were surveyed using Timed-Species Count technique along eight randomly selected transects…
Tags: Abalo-Gunacho forest, Assemblage/guild composition, Important bird area, Rarefaction, Species richness, Timed-Species Count
ABSTRACT: Environmental contaminants in fish pose a potential human health hazard. The level of mercury (Hg) was investigated in three fish species, i.e., Labeobarbus intermedius, Oreochromis niloticus and Clarias gariepinus, from Lake Koka and Lake Ziway, Ethiopia…
Tags: Fish consumption, Fish species, Hg, Rift Valley Lakes
ABSTRACT: Gillnet selectivity parameters and its impacts on the population of the Lake Tana Labeobarbus megastoma, were estimated from fishery-independent catches in multi-panel gillnets with stretched mesh sizes ranging from 60 to 140 mm. Selectivity on L. megastoma was assessed using the PASGEAR software…
Tags: Bi-modal, Labeobarbus, Lake Tana, Selectivity
ABSTRACT: A comparative study on the Ethiopian wolf (Canis simensis) interactions with human and domestic animals in Arsi Mountains and Sanetti Plateau was carried out from August 2009 to July 2010. Factors that affect the Ethiopian wolf were investigated by direct observations on 15 transects on four wolf packs and by using a questionnaire survey…
Tags: Chilalo-Galama, Ethiopian wolf interactions, Human, Sanetti Plateau
ABSTRACT: A systematic survey was carried out to determine the incidence and distribution of tomato virus diseases in Ethiopia. Fifty seven tomato fields were inspected, 570 plant samples were collected and tested by DAS-ELISA against eight tomato infecting viruses. The presence of a Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) in selected symptomatic samples was confirmed by immunocapture-polymerase chain reaction (IC-PCR)…
Tags: Begomoviruses, DAS-ELISA, IC-PCR, Tomato
ABSTRACT: Browse species serve as the main feed sources for pastoralists’ livestock especially during the dry season when herbaceous feed sources are exhausted. The study was conducted in Aba’ala District, Afar Regional State of Ethiopia to assess the indigenous knowledge on browse ecology and use and to investigate the browse selection by animals…
Tags: Acacia species, Browse preference, Diet selection, Nutritive value