ABSTRACT: Floristic composition, species diversity and vegetation structure of Gera Moist Montane Forest was conducted in Jimma Zone of Oromia National Regional State, southwest Ethiopia. A total of 132 plant species in 112 genera and 59 families were identified from this forest…
Tags: Endemic species, Gera Forest, Moist evergreen forest, Vegetation structure.
ABSTRACT: As part of ecological studies of larger mammals in Chebera Churchura National Park, southwestern Ethiopia, population, distribution and habitat association of the waterbuck, Kobus ellipsiprymnus ellipsiprymnus were studied during wet and dry seasons of 2013–2014. Representative transects across the main habitat types such as wooded grasslands, woodlands, montane forests and riparian habitats were randomly laid and counts were carried out in around 20% of the total area of the park…
Tags: Chebera Churchura National Park, Distribution, Habitat association, Population structure, Sex ratio, Waterbuck
ABSTRACT: The present study was conducted at Lake Hora-Arsedi located in Bishoftu town, 47 km south of Addis Ababa. The aim was to investigate the dive duration, pause duration, perching height, foraging band and population status of the white-breasted cormorant (Phalacrocorax lucidus) in the study area. Two sites were selected to carry out the observations. Data were collected from January–December 2014 to include dry and wet seasons mainly based on direct observational methods…
Tags: Bishoftu, Dive duration, Foraging band, Great cormorant, Pause duration
ABSTRACT: Chickpea is one the most important pulse crops grown for food and crop rotation in order to improve soil fertility because it fixes atmospheric nitrogen with root nodule bacteria. However, effectiveness in nitrogen fixation depends upon the host variety, the efficient endosymbiont and environmental conditions…
Tags: Antibiotic resistance, Eco-physiological diversity, Heavy metal resistance
ABSTRACT: Ethiopia is trying to establish botanic gardens with the first one in place being the recently inaugurated Gullele Botanic Garden in Addis Abeba. In order to develop this newly established garden as well as any other future botanic garden, Ethiopia needs to gather information from the experience of other botanic gardens that have been on the scene for many years. An attempt is here made to review the origin, role and status of botanic gardens of the world…
Tags: Botanic Garden, Ethiopia, Gullele, History, Importance, Possibilities, Role.
ABSTRACT: The Asteraceae is one of the largest families of flowering plants. It includes a large number of genera and species with rapid rates of radiation and possibly also of evolution. Members of the family have also been studied in connection with the effect of climate change on character evolution in plants. Some of the features of the family that have enabled such rapid radiation and possible speciation reside within the group of flowers that are produced commonly at the […]
Tags: Asteraceae, Biology, Chemistry, Flower morphology, Review and project ideas, Species
ABSTRACT: Ethiopia together with Eritrea has a rich grass flora comprising over 600 species. Grasses typical of each of the vegetation types found in the area are discussed. Grasses from specialised edaphic conditions are considered, and also weed, pasture and lawn grasses…
Tags: Ethiopia, Grasses, Grassland, Poaceae
ABSTRACT: Customary, exclusionary and inclusionary conservation approaches in Ethiopia are highlighted in relation to the historical aspects of conservation in general and plant biodiversity conservation in particular. Currently, plant biodiversity conservation is one of the mandates of the Ethiopian Biodiversity Institute (EBI)…
ABSTRACT: Changes in Flora-information over time can be divided into three different categories: (1) “Real changes” (species enter the region by natural dispersal or become extinct). (2) “Floristic changes” (species known from elsewhere are discovered). (3) “Taxonomic changes” (species are discovered and described, taxonomic revisions change the status of previously known species)…
Tags: Eritrea, Ethiopia, Floristic changes, Floristic exploration, Taxonomic changes
ABSTRACT: The Ethiopian Flora Project was started in 1980 with the objectives of writing up a Flora of Ethiopia within the shortest time possible; build-up of the National Herbarium and a related library and promoting scientific activities in taxonomic botany, economic botany, forestry, plant ecology, plant physiology, etc. The writing up of the Flora of Ethiopia within the shortest time possible was the cardinal objective of the project…