The 29th BSE Annual Conference will be conducted with a grand theme of “Invasive Alien Species: a threat to Ecosystems and Livelihoods” from 03-04 May 2019 at Management Institute, Addis Ababa. The impact of invasive species on ecosystems and livelihoods has become devastating and they are causing irreversible damage on biodiversity in many parts of the country and worldwide. This year’s theme will emphasize the consequences and some management options to BSE members and other stakeholders. More than 200 participants […]
The 28th annual Conference of Biological Society of Ethiopia took place in Addis Ababa

20-21 April 2018, Addis Ababa – Opening the conference, HE Ato Kebede Yimam, State Minister, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change indicated that Ethiopia’s huge diversity of biological resources create greater opportunity for implementation of Green Economy. Thus, green growth is a necessity and an opportunity at the same time for the country, added HE Ato Kebede. ‘‘The production of eco-friendly products necessitates forging public-private partnership in joining forces to fully realize the goals set forth in climate resilient […]
Tags: BSE, Green economy, Society
The BSE annual conference to be conducted in Addis Ababa
The 27th annual conference of the Biological SOciety of Ethiopia will be conducted in Addis Ababa with the Grand Theme of “Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Ethiopian Production Sectors: A Viable Strategy for Conserving Ethiopia’s Megadiversity” The Sub-thematic Topics include: Status of Biodiversity conservation in Ethiopia Role of Biodiversity for sustainable development Role of research and education for use of biodiversity Technology for biodiversity conservation Access and benefits sharing of genetic recourses & implementation The status of REDD+ project implementation and its […]